The 33 Most Common Categories of CULT Handlers (Chapter 6 of THE WORLD CULT & YOU)

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Sol Luckman

(How to Identify Your Own or Someone Else’s Keepers)

Am I my brother’s keeper?” —Genesis 4:9


So far in this ebook I’ve proposed that society can be conceptualized as a set of interconnected cults designed to keep the sheeple policing each other’s thoughts, words and deeds so that no one ever fundamentally changes the stultifying status quo of the Matrix we call home.

I’ve also looked at the simulation hypothesis and the “science” behind it even while questioning the “scientific method” and the possibility of knowledge itself in an observer-based “reality” dreamscape.

Additionally, I’ve explored the ways in which—in this hyper-manipulated construct—the sheeple are kept in their (self-)limiting lanes through an interactive process in which their own interests become liabilities that end up mentally and emotionally (and sometimes even physically) enslaving them. This phenomenon runs the gamut from mainstream culture to fundamentalism to the “truther” community.

I’ve also traveled even deeper down the rabbit hole, examining the ultimate psyops of “evil” and “truth” (among others) in setting up the sheeple as an energetic food source for the inhuman(e) “AI” guiding humanity down the garden path all the way to the slaughterhouse.

Last but not least, I’ve taken a hard look at so-called truthers and the “truther” movement as “alternative” cults for those sheeple who are too quick to be ensnared by the everyday cults designed for comparatively doltish normies.


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