How the Human Ability to Create “Reality” Is Hijacked by the Great Parasite & What You Can Do about It

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Sol Luckman

(Chapter 7 of THE WORLD CULT & YOU)

“Truly, you’re a stranger in a strange land—and the sooner you acknowledge this situation, the sooner you can begin developing an escape plan.” —Yours Truly

Setting the Stage: Grokking the Gameboard

The epigraph to this chapter, a self-quote lifted from the previous one, is a reference to Robert A. Heinlein’s 1961 novel STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND, which is without a doubt a meditation on the World Cult, with numerous hard-hitting revelations such as: “Man is so built that he cannot imagine his own death. This leads to endless invention of religions.”

In this classic sci-fi novel (which ironically started out as a “cult favorite”), Heinlein also coined the neologism “grok.”

This term can mean to innerstand (another, more recent neologism and a pretty good synonym) so as to—by way of empathy—create rapport and sympathetic communication with a person, place, thing, or idea.

“Grok” can also mean to enjoy something. In this usage it’s comparable to the somewhat archaic (now) “dig.” As in: “How I dig rock ‘n’ roll!”

So let’s spend a little time together grokking (in both senses of the term) the Gameboard of this realm.


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